Wednesday 14 September 2016


Losing a friend is hard. Losing a best friend is much more harder. The one who is so innocent, had a girl to love, friends to make fun and to be with, and a beautiful family. But God loved him more, much more than everyone in his life. Now we know the value of memories. Happy and funny memories, angry and sad memories. It's interesting how an incident changes our life totally. The pain of a flower when a petal is removed. We lost one of our sensitive petal. The greater hope we had that he will come back after he went missing. The dumbstruck moment when we heard that he is no more. The dreams of him happy in heaven. The thought that there is a new star in the sky. He gave us so much to remember and left everyone with thousands of unanswered questions. 
We miss you every second. 
We love you. 
Wish you were here with us.

Saturday 13 February 2016

It's really weird how some movies make us feel.
The dreamy world they take us are the ones we
really need, what we wish for, what we dream of.
The fantasy world which will never become true,
which we desire utmost. There is nothing special
in the film Message in the bottle. But it takes us             to a different world where we lose ourself.
The discovering, love, confusion, confession
everything in the film makes us to think in a

divergent way. Some movies are a bit                                  colourful, those colours which never leave our eyes... :-)